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When to Stop Using Gauze After Tooth Extraction & Other Common Queries

A young boy is biting a gauze to keep the gauze in place on the extracted tooth.

Dental procedures can be uncomfortable experiences for some people, but they’re essential for your dental health. Something like a tooth extraction can prevent infection from spreading and remove decaying teeth. After undergoing a dental procedure such as this, your dentist may advise you to use gauze to control bleeding and promote healing. Gauze is a […]

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What Is the New Canadian Dental Care Plan? 2024

The new Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) came into effect in December 2023 and will be gradually opened for applications throughout 2024 and into the start of 2025. The CDCP offers some dental coverage for specific eligible people but may not fully cover the cost of your dental services. It’s important to fully understand the […]

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Overcoming Dental Anxiety: A Guide

A dental patient covers her mouth with her hand in fear while looking at the instruments held by her dentist and hygienist.

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is essential for both dental health and overall health, yet many people delay or put off seeing the dentist due to anxiety. While dental anxiety is widespread and nothing to be ashamed of, it can be overcome through different techniques like bringing a friend, taking anxiety medication, practicing meditation, or […]

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Is Invisalign Better Than Braces?

A boy holding and looking at a clear aligner in his right hand while also holding a dental model with braces on the teeth.

Both Invisalign and braces are two common orthodontic treatments used to straighten and align teeth.  For mild to moderate misalignment, some may find that Invisalign is more convenient than braces because they are discreet and removable. However, it’s still important for your dentist to properly assess alignment issues and recommend the right treatment. Understanding Invisalign […]

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Is Vaping Bad for Your Teeth?

A hand holding a blue vape device with smoke wafting around

In recent years, vaping has surged in popularity–particularly among younger demographics–as a perceived safer alternative to traditional cigarette smoking. While the long-term health effects of vaping are still under investigation, one area of concern that warrants immediate attention is oral health. Specifically, how does vaping impact your teeth and gums? Let’s explore the evidence and […]

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