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Category: Invisalign

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Is Invisalign Better Than Braces?

A boy holding and looking at a clear aligner in his right hand while also holding a dental model with braces on the teeth.

Both Invisalign and braces are two common orthodontic treatments used to straighten and align teeth.  For mild to moderate misalignment, some may find that Invisalign is more convenient than braces because they are discreet and removable. However, it’s still important for your dentist to properly assess alignment issues and recommend the right treatment. Understanding Invisalign […]

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Suresmile Vs Invisalign: What Are the Differences

A close-up of a woman wearing dental silicon aligners

When it comes to straightening teeth, you’ve likely heard of a familiar brand before—Invisalign. While Invisalign is well known, it isn’t your only option. SureSmile can help improve your smile by shifting your teeth into place.  If you’re debating between SureSmile and Invisalign, what are their differences?  A Difference in Price & Treatment Timeline There […]

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AT HOMETOWN DENTAL IN OKOTOKS DENTAL, WE OFFER INVISALIGN AND SURESMILE ORTHODONTICS SERVICES When teeth are misaligned, crowded, crooked and/or don’t fit together correctly, orthodontics (braces) can be used to correct these problems. Invisalign or Suresmile is an esthetic option to treat certain malocclusion cases. Instead of the traditional metal brackets and wires, a series […]

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