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Category: Dental Services

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Dentures are dental appliances that replace missing teeth and can be taken in and out of the mouth. Depending on the number of teeth missing, either partial dentures or complete dentures can be fabricated. There are also options for attaching dentures to implants to provide further stability. Partial Dentures When multiple teeth are missing in […]

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AT HOMETOWN DENTAL IN OKOTOKS DENTAL, WE OFFER INVISALIGN AND SURESMILE ORTHODONTICS SERVICES When teeth are misaligned, crowded, crooked and/or don’t fit together correctly, orthodontics (braces) can be used to correct these problems. Invisalign or Suresmile is an esthetic option to treat certain malocclusion cases. Instead of the traditional metal brackets and wires, a series […]

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LEARN MORE ABOUT HOMETOWN DENTAL’S KID-FRIENDLY DENTAL APPROACH Hometown Dental is a family dental practice which means kids make up a significant portion of our clinic. Our sensitive, fun, kid-friendly approach can help create a comfortable experience at the dentist and establish great long-term oral health. It is very important to start seeing children early […]

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AT HOMETOWN DENTAL IN OKOTOKS, ALBERTA WE OFFER HYGIENE CLEANING Hometown Dental’s hygienists are an integral part of our team as oral hygiene is extremely important to one’s overall oral health. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and Periodontitis (inflammation of the supporting structures of the tooth) can be prevented with excellent home care and regular […]

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